Monday, August 13, 2007

An Eye-Opening Perspective of the War in Iraq

If you're looking for an eye-opening, independent view of the ground war in Iraq, check out; a freelance journalist, Michael Yon has taken to the frontlines of the war, camera in hand, offering a perspective he articulates via print as well as anyone I've read recently.

Not lacking a healthy set of gonads, Yon walks the walk along with U.S. and Iraqi soldiers risking life and limb. He captures firefights in progress -- occasionally trying to jump in to help -- and details each story from beginning to end. Yon, who includes a large dose of common sense in his articles, brings a humanistic side to the conflict from both Iraqi and American viewpoints.

In many instances the clarity with which he reports puts you in the battle -- your sphincter puckering, and your respect for those doing the dirty work climbing as you read the passages.
He paints a picture of courage, evil, devastation and of political change in country that much of the U.S. population doesn't hear about.

Short of being on the ground yourself, his work will have you questioning your own manhood -- I know I felt like a pussy afterward reading a few installments. If your stomach can handle the "truth," give his site the once over. I specifically encourage you to read his report entitled "Gates of Fire."

Yon, by the way, is not sponsored by any news, political or social entity -- relying solely on the support of readers via sales of photography and donations.


Shad said...

If he "jumps in to help" then he is not completely unbiased. I want to see him cover both sides, not just the safer side. Give me a laptop and a camera, I'll show you unbiased bitch.

Otaku Umemoto said...

I'm sure he has the balls for it, but I doubt he'd be treated like a friend. He'd probably end up as a hostage.

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