Everything is a disease or syndrome nowadays; so apparently, we're not responsible for much of anything we get into.
And there are plenty of drug companies lined up to fuel our rationalizing of
disorderly behavior, overindulgence, promiscuity and, well, you name it and
there's probably a syndrome, disorder or disease associated with it by now
that some pill pushing pharmaceutical company can treat.
Alcoholism: You drink too much --- in the mornings, afternoons and at
night; you're either hung over or on your way;
Wrestles Leg Syndrome: Your body twitches at night making it difficult
for you and your better half to get to sleep;
Alien Hand Syndrome: You lose control of your hand; it gesticulates
uncontrollably or unbuttons your clothes while your other hand is
trying to put them on. Also known as Dr. Strangelove Syndrome.
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: Also called micropsia, this condition
distorts visual perception so that objects that are close appear
disproportionately tine, as though viewed through the wrong end of a
Foreign Accent Syndrome: Usually following strokes or other brain
trauma, victims suddenly start speaking with a French, Scottish,
Italian etc. accent without warning.
Pica Syndrome: You have a compulsive appetite for non-edible items
including clay, stones, cigarette ash, paint, glue etc.
Riley-Day Syndrome: The syndrome makes its victims especially accident
prone because they simply don't register warning signs of tissue damage
such as wounds, bruising and burns. They are even oblivious to oxygen
deprivation, which means they'll hold their breadth until they black
Genital Retraction Syndrome: Victims are convinced that their genitals
are disappearing into their bodies.
Many more are advertised on TV and the radio, playing on our propensity
to avoid responsibility.
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