Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Imigration answer simple

For the past two decades or more America tends to kick around
the idea of preventing illegal immigration during the run-up to elections.

Each time the political leadership looks at the same problems and offers
the same solutions. Yet nobody has mentioned the obvious:

We're all the offspring of illegal immigration; that's if you're
looking at the problem from the perspective of our Native American
Indian population

The only answer is to let our economy implode, the dollar sink below
that of the peso and open our borders so that we -- the newly
impoverished -- can flood Mexico in a quest for better paying jobs.

Friends, we are victims of our own success including economic
development, political stability and military might. The fact that
those from nations offering little opportunity to better their lives should
seek out the American Dream should surprise no one. It is the
liabilities of being a super power.

And as is the case with the European Union, open borders hasn't meant
national identity problems or rampant crime. Maybe it's time we look at a
similar solution here.


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