Sunday, July 29, 2007

Manuel Noriega on his way to France?

America's favorite Latin America dictator who, once plucked from power and jailed in 1990, is set to be released Sept. 9.

Unfortunately for him, however, France has requested their turn on prosecuting old Pineapple face. The French convicted him of buying land there with illegal drug money. And so goes another "officer" of American foreign policy --- once backed and now left for the French to pick at his politically-irrelevant carcass.

France, of course, isn't the only one lined up to get at him; he's been convicted of murder, kidnapping, political corruption and the list goes on. Now, as he fights extradition to the land of whine and cheese, one can only imagine how he relives his years as dictator. But alas, the U.S. tends to create its own international law when it comes to deposing international leaders.

I can't help but wonder how we'd react if, say, Iran convicted Bush of a crime and sent in a snatch team to take him back to Tehran to serve his sentence.

1 Comment:

Shad said...

I'll help pay for Bush's little trip to Tehran. How do we arrange it.

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